About JITI

Jihan Ramírez is the voice behind jitivoz. She is a journalist, vo and dubbing talent, actress and a certified yoga instructor. She is a passionate mother and above all she is a loving human being.

She feels so honored to be able to share her passions and knowledge with you. Living to the service of others is her greatest pleasure.

Teaching and sharing helps her understands her. The purpose is to support others and herself in the beautiful journey of awakening. Spreading light, awareness, spirituality, consciousness, inspiration, motivation and so much love.

She’s practiced yoga for over 15 years and she wants to guide you to feel, to move and grow all in the most pure and sincere serenity.

Join her for guided meditations. Pranayama practices, asana classes, workshops and more...

  • One of Jihan’s passions is helping people include yoga in their daily lives. She has been practicing yoga for many years, and she has a deep understanding of the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of the practice.

    She is passionate about sharing her knowledge of yoga with others, and she offers classes and workshops to help people of all levels improve their health and well-being.

    Through her classes, she helps people connect with their inner wisdom and guidance. She offers private sessions and group workshops to help people on their spiritual journey.

  • Jihan is a passionate actress, voice over actress, and radio host. She has been performing on stage since she was a child, and she has always loved using her voice to tell stories. In addition to her theater work, Jihan has also voiced characters in several commercials, and shows.

    She is the host of The Show of Jitivoz, a radio program that features interviews with professionals in the wellness and spirituality world. Jihan is a talented and versatile performer, and she is always looking for new ways to use her voice to entertain and inspire others.

  • Through her Conscious Parenthood program, she aims to share her experience and guidance on mindful parenting. The program includes practices like yoga, meditation, and nutrition, and it is designed to help parents connect with their children on a deeper level.

    Yoga is a great way for parents to connect with their children and help them develop their physical and mental strength. Meditation can help parents and children relax and de-stress. Nutrition is important for overall health and well-being.

    Conscious Parenthood is a journey, not a destination. It is a way of life that can bring mothers, fathers and their children closer together and help them both thrive. To learn more, visit the Conscious Parenting section.

  • Jihan is a multi-talented individual who has built a successful career as a mom, voiceover actress, yoga and meditation instructor, and YouTuber. She has over 1 million subscribers on her YouTube channel, where she shares videos about her life, her work, and her passions.

    Jihan's videos are popular because she is relatable and authentic. She shares her experiences as a mom, a voiceover actress, and a yoga and meditation instructor in a way that is both informative and entertaining. She also shares her personal journey of self-discovery and growth, which has resonated with her viewers.


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